Anthology Film Archives


October 28 – November 1

As part of the Reimagine End of Life initiative – a week of citywide cultural events exploring big questions about life and death, with a particular focus on aging and end-of-life issues – Anthology presents a selection of films that delve deeply and unflinchingly into the experience of death and dying. The series includes the non-fiction masterpieces NEAR DEATH (Frederick Wiseman) and DYING AT GRACE (Allan King); the bracingly unsentimental and typically razor-sharp film by the great Maurice Pialat, THE MOUTH AGAPE; and Adam Sekuler’s first feature, TOMORROW NEVER KNOWS, a documentary about the decision to die on one’s own terms rather than submit to the ravages of Alzheimer’s.

Designed as a grassroots, community-driven public outreach and educational effort for New York and surrounding communities, Reimagine End of Life aims to increase end-of-life care awareness, disseminate educational information and assistance regarding advanced care planning, and break down taboos around death and dying. For more info visit:

Special thanks to Stacy Abramson & Andrew Ingall (Reimagine); Karen Konicek & Emily Glaser (Zipporah Films); Tim Lanza (Cohen Film Group); Colleen Murphy (Allan King Films); and Adam Sekuler.

Anthology will host an additional Reimagine End of Life event on Monday, October 29 at 6:00: a special talk between filmmaker (and AFA founder) Jonas Mekas and writer John Leland (the author of the book “Happiness Is a Choice You Make: Lessons From a Year Among the Oldest Old”). Click here for more info.

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