Film Screenings / Programs / Retrospectives
June 8 – June 12
Few filmmakers can boast a body of work as head-scratchingly eclectic as Rene Daalder’s. Dutch-born, but resident in the U.S. for more than 30 years, he has made movies in so many seemingly incompatible genres and modes, and in collaboration with such an unlikely range of figures, it almost beggars belief that they all could have issued from the same person. Making his feature debut in Holland with the nightmarish and mystifying WHITE SLAVE (co-written by Rem Koolhaas, before he became one of the world’s most acclaimed vanguard architects), Daalder soon relocated to the U.S. where he has since established himself as a pioneer of visual fx, author of many publications about the future of arts and technology, and an active promoter of groundbreaking online media ventures. As a filmmaker he has been responsible for the seminal teen-exploitation film MASSACRE AT CENTRAL HIGH; a lo-fi punk musical, POPULATION: 1, starring Tomata du Plenty from legendary L.A. band The Screamers; two mind-expanding B-horror films; a perceptive, elegant documentary on Dutch conceptual artist Bas Jan Ader; and most recently a ‘sci-fi’ documentary about Timothy Leary and his legacy. Here at Anthology we’re used to presenting the work of protean, unpredictable auteurs, but Daalder’s body of work is so multifarious that heavy dosing may be the only way to perceive the connections.
This series will feature screenings of the remarkable MASSACRE AT CENTRAL HIGH, along with a selection of Daalder’s other films, with the filmmaker in person to explain how they could all have sprung out of his imagination.
Special thanks to Rene Daalder, Nico Bruinsma (Cult Epics), Jacques Boyreau (Cosmic Hex Film Archive), and the Eye Film Institute (Netherlands).
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